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Best Self-Help Books For INFJ
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11 Best Self-Help Books To Inspire INFJs

INFJs are natural introverts with a deep need for meaning and purpose in life. One of the best ways to find that is through self-help books. If you want to open up new possibilities for you and help you on your journey toward greater self-awareness, these books will inspire your INFJ mind.

Without further ado, here are the 11 best self-help books to inspire INFJs to be better by understanding and caring for themselves more.

11 Best Self-Help Books for INFJ

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1. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in the World That Can’t Stop Talking

By Susan Cain

Sometimes, an INFJ may struggle to balance their knack for socialization and introversion. But the thing is, they don’t have to always meet people’s sociable expectations of them. There is power in being quiet, and Susan Cain’s #1 New York Times Best-selling Book expresses such powerful points. 

It points out that introverts are drastically undervalued and misunderstood because of the “extrovert ideals.” But, her book shows how the power of introverts can excel in an extroverted world and be understood by people. 

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Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

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2. Beyond Rare: The INFJ’s Guide to Cultivating Growth & Self-Awareness

By Elaine Schallock Drenth

This book suits INFJ as it magnifies maturity, mindfulness, and how to deal with different personalities. It examines the remarkable traits of INFJs that are worth developing and helps heighten their creative potential. It enables INFJs to switch on a theoretically and experientially transformative trip referred to as “beyond rare.”

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Beyond Rare

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3. The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times

By Michelle Obama

In her collection of insightful essays, Michelle Obama shares her conviction that by shining a light on others, you may reveal the depth and potential of the world around you. It can uncover new truths and new directions for progress.

So, her book “The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times” encourages people to reflect on life, find joy, and form meaningful connections in a chaotic world. For INFJs who value close and deep relationships, this book will help to overcome uncertainties in life. As lovers of harmony, this one’s a good INFJ book recommendation.

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4. The INFJ Writer: Cracking the Creative Genius of the World’s Rarest Type

By Lauren Sapala

Lauren Sapala demonstrates how the extraordinary inventive minds of INFJ authors take a toll, and that they rarely share that with the outer world. They don’t think like anybody else.

INFJs who recognize themselves as highly emotional can get something from this book, whether writing a novel or a memoir. Sapala’s book makes INFJs discover the ability to be creative. And this book helps them find their passion’s magic to build a happy life that works.

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The INFJ Writer

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5. Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions

By Temple Grandin

Grandin’s book reveals, celebrates, and promotes visual thinkers’ accomplishments. This New York Times Bestselling Author, who wrote “Visual Thinking” book, alters the understanding of the many wiring patterns in human brains and uses cutting-edge research to take visual thinking as a talent for demystifying science.

INFJs see patterns and possibilities, showcasing their visual thinking prowess, and this shall help them get a more vivid picture of abstractions in their minds.

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Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions

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Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial


6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

By Stephen Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. It was first published in 1989, has sold over 40 million copies worldwide, and has been translated into 40 languages. 

This book is an excellent guide for INFJs because it’s about how to become independent, who can think and act for themselves. Covey argues that the key to being highly effective is to live by principles rather than rules.

These habits include being proactive, seeking first to understand then be understood, thinking win-win, synergizing, and so on.

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial


7. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

By Brené Brown

Want to learn how to step up and be more confident, especially when it comes to their relationships with others? Then this is a great resource. This book is a must-read for INFJs who feel like they have to hide their true selves to fit in with society.

Brené Brown offers a compelling look at how fear of failure and success can hold us back from being our best selves. We are all afraid of something, but it’s important to face these fears and overcome them if we want to live the lives we were meant to have.

Brown points out that “vulnerability is not weakness” and that admitting our weaknesses can actually be very empowering for people who struggle with perfectionism, like INFJs.

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Daring Greatly

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Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial


8. You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

By Joe Dispenza

INFJs, as introverted iNtuitives (Ni), are already strong-willed individuals. But would you like to control your mind better and achieve the ‘impossible’?

This book is about the placebo effect—a powerful phenomenon showing that your brain can cure you of physical and psychological ailments. It’s a great resource for INFJs who want to learn more about how their thoughts affect their bodies.

It also explains how the subconscious mind works and how it can be used to manifest anything you want in your life, including physical healing.

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You Are the Placebo

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9. The Desire Map

By Danielle LaPorte

The Desire Map is a self-help book that guides the reader through creating a plan to achieve their goals. It’s based on the idea that you get what you want when you pursue it with passion and purpose.

The book also teaches you how to get clear on your goals and how to align them with your values, emphasizing the importance of taking care of yourself first and making sure that you are happy before trying to make other people happy.

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The Desire Map 

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Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial


10. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

By Eckhart Tolle

This book is about the importance of the present moment, and that’s a lesson that INFJs can really benefit from. 

It is about letting go of your worries about the past and future, particularly since those things will never change. Instead, you should focus on living in the current moment as it presents itself to you.

It’s an especially important lesson for INFJs because they tend to get caught up in their thoughts, which leads them away from feeling at peace with themselves or truly enjoying life as it happens around them now.

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The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

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Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial


11. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

By Elizabeth Gilbert

If you’re an INFJ, chances are that you’ve already read this book (and loved it). But if you haven’t, now’s the time.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is about creativity and the creative process. It looks at how we can view the creative process as part of our lives; it inspires us to take risks and embrace our inner childlike wonder.

Because people, including many INFJs, can sometimes fall into patterns where they do things based on what seems “normal” rather than following their interests or intuition. Reading this book helps INFJs realize that creativity may not always take place within strict parameters or structures—sometimes it’s okay not to know exactly where your art will end up!

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Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

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Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial



INFJs have a unique set of skills and abilities. They’re sensitive, yet they’re talented. And for you who might feel down on yourself, wondering if you can reach your full potential. But you can do anything you’ve set into your mind. That’s why listed above are some of the best book recommendations for INFJ. These books will inspire you to be your best self and help you reach your goals. So read on it!

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