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Why INFPs Are Called The Healers

If there is one Myers-Briggs personality type who would take to heart John Lennon’s anti-war slogan ‘Make love, not war’, it would be an INFP. 

Known for their love for peace, INFPs have also been commonly called ‘the healers’ because of their ability to help and heal through people’s struggles. However, there is more to this personality type than meets the eye. They also have a mysterious side, making them difficult to understand completely.

In this post, let’s answer the frequently asked question, “Why are INFPs healers?” 

Let’s get into that:

Why Are INFPs Called the Healers?

By nature, INFPs connect with themselves strongly. They pursue peace and uphold morals without forcing their beliefs on people.

Yet INFPs are called the “Healers” because once you’re stuck and dealing with your lowest days, an INFP is compelled to radiate their own peace to tame your chaotic emotions. 

INFPs are empathetic listeners who cry when you cry, listen when you talk, and stay when you need them the most. As old souls, they approach you with wisdom, shedding light on your clouded thoughts.

They may not entirely solve your problems, but they remind you of your potential, and let you see the situation from a bigger perspective.

INFPs are optimists and have a passion for bettering themselves. Their sense of purpose is to share these ideals with people who need them. It is at the times when people are at their lowest that their INFP friends will find a way to pull them back up.

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How Empathetic Are INFPs?

INFPs may be the most emotional among all MBTI personality types. Depending heavily on what they feel toward others and within themselves, people with this personality type use empathy to navigate their interactions.

INFPs can feel their friend’s emotions—especially those closest to them—like their own, which is convincingly the reason why they are considered empaths.

Their ability to recognize emotions without verbal cues also helps them relate to a network of people, even those they met only once.

Say, when INFPs watch drama films, they would feel so connected to the characters’ stories that they would often need a longer time to detach.

While INFJs instantly feel someone’s emotions the moment they see a person, INFPs, on the other hand, only start to empathize once they grasped the entirety of what you’re going through.

Simply put, INFJs don’t need to completely understand a situation, yet they feel it. Meanwhile, INFPs need to understand, and that’s only when they can live it.

These Healers can imagine the depth of your emotions, and where you’re coming from — the anger, your reactions, the pride, and your vulnerability.

They feel your emotions — making them their own. That’s where INFPs’ drive to heal comes from. Because they totally understand the corners of your concern, they’re eager to help and extend comfort until they see true you’re better.

Why Don’t INFPs Like Conflict?

First, these empaths may not be the most logical in the block, but they use their high moral and emotional compass to reach a decision that is both respectful and compassionate to both sides.

They’re introverted feelers, so there’s no way they won’t take things personally when they’re involved, expending lots of mental energy from an INFP.

You see, INFPs are already their worst critics. They deal with overthinking and fight their battles in private. They understand what frustrations, pain, grief, and sadness feels like, because they’re conflicted individuals, too.

INFPs very well know these emotions, so if there’s a way they can soothe other people’s frustrations, they would. 

They would resolve conflicts, maybe not always with peaceful measures, but with peace as the end goal.

What Do INFPs Heal?

Like doctors, INFPs, as healers, mend relational, personal, and emotional wounds. Other personalities often call them therapists because they are friends who can listen to all your rants and validate your feelings.

As sensitive people, they are cautious with what, how, and when they talk to people. If INFPs see that a friend needs a little cheering, they would often compliment the person to make them feel better.

INFPs heal relational conflicts by being the mediator who listens to both sides and suggests discursive ways to solve the problem; in a non-confrontational way. They can also be a counseling friend to our issues as they can help us process our emotions and give out advice.


INFPs are healers as they help people tap into their emotions, give great advice, and prevent conflict at all costs. However, their ‘healing’ trait also has criticisms, as other personalities have criticized their avoidance of conflict situations.

Regardless if they remain neutral in issues that only need a right or wrong answer, or are too emotional in uptight situations, we can rely on INFPs to always treat us with respect and sensitivity despite our issues.

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