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10 Heartwarming Gifts You Could Give An Introvert

Looking for a gift idea for an introvert? Then this would be a good read for you!

If you want a quick find, I’ve written a list here, so take your pick!

But as you know, sometimes introverts would enjoy it, too, if we took gift-giving a step further. Say, give them a heartwarming present they will surely remember, may it be a sentimental handmade one or a memorable experience with you.

Here are 10 thoughtful gifts an introvert will surely love!

10 Heartwarming Gifts You Could Give An Introvert

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1. Hooked On Fictional Characters

Guess you already knew about this: some introverts can be obsessed about their favorite characters (uhm, guilty here).

That said, introverts would love to receive gifts celebrating their favorite characters such as T-shirts and mugs or tickets to a related concert or movie.

One character who I always admired is Jean Valjean from the classic novel Les Misérables. It’s been ten years since I read it, but his story still moves me deeply. Oh, how I love to get to their anniversary concerts one of these days.

But as for you, it’s your turn to turn the excitement up for your introverted friend! BUY THAT MERCH!

2. Getting Creative

Introversion and creativity go hand in hand. I tell you, the passionate focus we give to our hobbies, plus alone time? Boy, we could take over the world (our inner worlds, at least).

One of the best gifts for an introvert is something that sparks and aids their skills and creativity. Think of gifts they can doodle on, a quality calligraphy pen, a collection of textured papers, or garage tools and gadgets.

Since I express my thoughts through journaling, a hard-bound notebook like this never goes wrong.

Find how your introverted partner or friend expresses their creativity; anything related to it would be 100% appreciated!

3. A Cozy, Coffee Month

This is for all coffee lovers out there.

Whenever I receive coffee as a gift, I enthusiastically welcome it! Brewed coffee? Ah, nothing beats that, especially during crisp, clear dawns. And amazingly, one way to level up your coffee gift is a no other than a coffee subscription!

Just found out you can have a 3, 6, or 12-month subscription via Mistobox, where the recipient can pick the variety they want and get it every month!

4. Handmade Treasures

I once gave my partner a 4-ft horizontal Kraft letter that I DIY-ed into a scrapbook with my handwritten message. He got teary-eyed since we’ve been in LDR for two years.

Sometimes, gifts don’t need to be complicated. It really is “the thought that counts.”

These handmade gifts carry long-lasting sentimental value. So if you can crochet, assemble a bouquet, or braid couple/friendship bracelets, why not gift them one?

5. A Way To Relieve Anxiety

Unfortunately, some of our introverted friends struggle with stress and anxiety. It’s a thoughtful gesture to gift something that relieves it. Let’s look after them.

Consider options like a box of soothing teaa stress ball, a comfy pillow, a massage chair, or a fidget toy. Simple but definitely thoughtful.

6. Invent New Ideas, Craft Original Rules

Introverts LOVE innovating plans. Step outside normal routines and invent a new activity to make your introvert feel special. Who knows, you might be creating a brand-new family/friendship/relationship tradition!

For example, last month, my partner and I got exhausted of over-planned travels. We decided to do things differently and just pick a “mystery place” where we’ll take each other. I took him to a secluded retreat garden, and he took me to a manga café. We turned it into a fun exercise in trust and discovery!

It was hilarious, too, since we’re both terrible with directions. Along the way, we always made fun of each other, saying, “Do you really know where we’re going?” or “Where are you even taking me?” Lol.

Such new experiences with new rules can make simple routines more interesting, especially during important celebrations. Add a twist to your plans, and it will surely be a commemorated memory.

7. A “Recharge!” Day

I know, I know. Home is our haven. But as a gift, why not treat your introvert to a relaxing day out?

Consider taking them to a spa, or a sauna. Alternatively, you could gift them a bubble bath set or a massage session. For a nature escape, book a glamping trip where they can unwind and recharge. Find a way to help them recharge outside of home.

8. A Book Surprise

Out of everything I’ve listed here, this would be one of the most pleasant surprises for a bookworm. A 1, 3, or 6-month book subscription of a book crate (a box with newly published novel + bookish keepsakes) via OwlCrate.

Now, let’s see the joy of your introvert as they get a monthly book crate coming at their door!

9. Binge-reading With Subscriptions

Many introverts are avid readers. My father (an INTJ) is always ecstatic to find a trove of resources, and it will definitely make his day.

As for me, I subscribe to Medium from time to time to read other author’s work, and amazingly, we can gift a membership to others, too! This would be a nice place to start if your introvert is a voracious reader.

If they prefer books, gift them a free subscription to e-book apps like KindleUnlimitedor Audible.

10. A Scenic Adventure

Traveling is fun, but there’s something I noticed: some people tend to make the most of their day and hop to multiple places in a day.

Yes, sometimes, it’s fun to be this type of adventurer if you’re craving the experience. But for an introvert who seeks to recharge, always moving around places can be rather tiring than energizing.

Instead, gift your introverted partner/friend a scenic adventure where you can relax under the clouds, appreciate nature, and have deep, fulfilling conversations. That’s one memorable experience, I tell you.

Stay in one place while seeing a breathtaking scenery, and talk. Just one, deep conversation about life, your emotions, and plans.

That’s it. These are the 10 introvert gifts that will surely make your introvert partner or friend happy.  Let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading! 

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