INFJ has piqued the curiosity of inquisitive people. Not only because they’re rare which makes them hard to find, but it’s due to INFJ traits and their cognitive processes that work in a mystic and mysterious way.
With INFJs? There’s more than what meets the eye.
INFJ stands for Introverted-iNtuitive-Feeling-Judging. They are reserved and empathetic idealists who are known for their altruism, cordiality, and profound thinking prowess.
INFJs may feel misunderstood, or even frustrated about themselves. Nonetheless, they are the mentally strong type who are willful and determined about anything they set their minds to.
Curious what lies behind INFJ personality? In this post, we will look at some INFJ strengths and weaknesses to get to know them better.
Disclaimer: The list may not perfectly fit all INFJs. After all, INFJs are unique individuals who vary in experiences, goals, and motivation. There are healthy and unhealthy ones, and INFJ-As and INFJ-Ts. I’m writing this list based on general observation and some personal experiences with INFJs. Here we go:
INFJ Strengths and Good Traits

INFJ’s innate deductive thinking and social intelligence could be their most alluring characteristics. Other than that, they carry more amazing traits. Let’s get to know them deeper with the following INFJ traits list:
1. INFJs sense people’s aura.
INFJs feel people’s emotions deeply and make them their own. Many INFJs profess how they can sense people’s “aura” and feel something is off about a person.
They don’t only imagine what it feels like, but they immerse themselves in people’s emotions which makes them exceptional empaths.
2. INFJs are critical thinkers.
INFJs may look fun, easy-going, and extroverted with their friends, but behind the comforting sphere, INFJs are deep and critical thinkers. Information continuously reels inside their mind as they try to make sense of the world.
Since INFJs are people-oriented, they usually are observant and critical of human behavior and their subjectivity.
Every detail they gather is organized in such a way that points to a definitive conclusion. INFJs are conclusive especially to things that are yet to happen. They can predict future outcomes, and often, their intuition is right.
3. INFJs are truly altruistic people.
INFJs can bring selflessness to rather unfathomable heights. In my 20-ish years of friendship with INFJs, I witness how they are supportive and welcoming, consistently. It’s hard to fake altruism, you know.
Also called Advisers, INFJs lend an ear and make every effort to straighten you from setbacks. Although people can be a bother, parasites even (people who only take advantage but never give back), INFJs would still extend a helping hand.
I’m an INFP and think I do bother my INFJ friends frequently. But there’s always this warmth and consistent upbeat energy that says they don’t want you to think that way.
Never have I experienced an INFJ telling me to go home after visiting for long hours. They will accommodate you despite the inconvenience. Truly, they know how to make people, even strangers, feel comfortable.
4. INFJs are socially intelligent and people are drawn to their energy.

Aside from profound intuition, social and interpersonal intelligence are INFJ’s best qualities. They can read the environment and people’s emotions. Thus, they effortlessly match their actions to people. According to the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, it’s called “the chameleon effect” which increases an INFJ’s engagement in people’s behavior.
INFJs carry a light-hearted, yet warm character which makes people drawn to the presence. They are also active listeners. When INFJs see skeptical looks, they can manage to turn things around, adjust their actions, and blend in with the situation that wins favors.
5. INFJs are project finishers.
INFJs are focused to achieve a goal. They can endure a whole heap of difficulties, from illnesses to relationship problems, to workplace toxicity. Obstacles don’t sway them. When they lock in on a plan, they usually finish it no matter how long it can take.
I know an INFJ who endured in a politically toxic job, admit to crying every night, but still ended up getting consecutive raises and being promoted. I’m friends with an INFJ who works overseas who’s resolute to stay there until her plans are fulfilled, and one who has published fiction books on the sides while having to deal with a full-time job.
Their determination and focus overpower all anxiety, criticism, pressure, and obstacles. When they’re committed to something, they make sure it will be accomplished.
6. INFJs are idealistic, imaginative, and creative.
INFJs are always lost in their thoughts. Their minds keep on reeling about their observations in the tangible world. You may catch them staring at thin air, but in the background, their minds do some critical analysis to make sense of the world around them.
Also, despite loving structure and being a logical Feeler, they work on something artistic as a vent for their creativity. They may do well in crafts, theatre plays, writing, and paintings.
7. INFJs are exceptionally loyal.
When an INFJ trusts you completely, they would go out of their way to help, support, and guide you. They can take the extra work, give extra time, and exert extra effort to make you better.
Because they can do so much, they also expect you to not betray, cheat, or lie to them. Indeed, they are lie detector machines taking the human form.
If you give them crap, lies, fake smiles, and bent stories, they will know. They won’t tell you, but heck, they. will. know.
8. INFJs are engaging conversationalists.
INFJs can engage anyone in a conversation. Partnered with their warmth, active listening skills, and empathy, people love staying in their presence.
Moreover, INFJs speak with purpose and mean what they say. They are witty and have a way with words. They are over-delicate, especially when talking to sensitive types. However, if they know the person is gregarious, outgoing, and can handle insults, they will throw jokes, sarcasm, and even cuss words to stir the fun.
INFJs can match people’s energy, personality, and emotions which makes people satisfied every after a conversation.
INFJ Weaknesses and Bad Traits
Now, moving on to INFJ negative traits.
If you look closely, some traits on the list aren’t really negative. However, if INFJs can’t handle such characteristics at an optimal level, it puts them at a disadvantage. Here we go:
1. INFJs often jump to conclusions.
INFJs are highly intuitive. Thus, they notice details that people don’t easily recognize. They perceive what’s off about a person, and sense if someone’s dodgy, vindictive, or in the dumps.
However, while their intuition is a mystic trait to have – considered as a sixth sense – there are cases where INFJs jump to conclusions too soon. They formulate a plausible outcome and immediately believe it as a concrete fact. They cling to it as the truth despite having no evidence.
That said, they tend to impose values, and standards which can be seen as a negative trait of INFJs. They may have tendencies of insisting their beliefs regardless if a person says they’re mistaken.
2. INFJs are too self-critical about not giving their best.
INFJs are anxious about not giving their best or not doing enough. They’re worried about people getting bored in their company, or fear that they may cause inconvenience or become a dead weight in a group.
INFJs often appear to be perfectionists who feel distressed with criticisms. Other types would just brush off their mistakes, but for INFJs, such worry grows roots that lead to self-depreciation.
3. INFJs find it hard to cut toxic people off.
INFJs find it hard to cut off toxic people, especially if they grew accustomed to hanging out with them. It’s an INFJ weakness to turn down friends, family, partners or mentors.
While they know they’re being taken advantage of, some INFJs may just suck it all up. Unfortunately, they have tendencies to be more concerned with what others feel rather than their own sentiments.
Hence, they stay in toxic, unfruitful friendships and relationships. This altruism prevents them from cutting needy people off and instigates fear to walk their own paths. In many cases, INFJs tend to fix other people’s issues rather than focusing on their own personal growth.
4. INFJ’s mood may be dependent on other people.
INFJs absorb other people’s feelings. They capture sadness, happiness, and even other people’s angst and hatred.
INFJs are “social chameleons” who unconsciously mirror people’s emotions. When a person’s upset, they become triggered and upset, too. When someone’s overjoyed, INFJ becomes jumpy and excited, too.
While this is wholesome to see from an outsider’s point of view, it’s crucial for an INFJ because they may be caught up in a whirlwind of fast-paced, ever-changing emotions.
5. INFJs are secretive and private people.

Although you can have lots of fun, have chemistry, or laugh a lot with an INFJ, that doesn’t mean they will open up their life to you. They only share secrets if their intuition says it’s safe. INFJs are reserved and can keep massive secrets that even their closest friends, family, or romantic partners wouldn’t get ahold of.
INFJs are also prone to passive aggression. They’re not vocal about what they want. Instead, they stash their issues away which can eventually explode in one big outburst.
6. They feel responsible for other people’s feelings.
INFJs feel responsible for other people’s feelings. If a friend struggles, is upset, or is withdrawn, INFJs feel the urge to step up and make the person feel better.
Mindfulness and caring for others is such an amazing INFJ trait. However, such impulses lead INFJs subject to abuse. At the same time, they unintentionally hinder that person’s growth, making people too dependent on them, while taking the extra baggage.
INFJ is indeed a unique personality. Behind their nurturing and compassionate character, is a deep thinker, creative, and highly empathetic individual.
You may have seen INFJs as someone who’s fun to be with, yet many can’t get close to how they process facts, emotions, and awareness – everything – all at the same time. They could be present at the moment with you while thinking of a whole different situation.
Although many INFJs doubt themselves or may feel empty at times, INFJs can actually reach a goal when they set their hearts to it.
I adore how INFJs can walk the talk. Such INFJ traits can initiate a significant change, not only for themselves, but to a whole wide range of people.
I’m fortunate to have INFJs around. As an INFP, while I’m too frustrated about jumping from one plan to another, my INFJ friends shed light on my decisions, not through words, but through their focused and determined actions.
Their actions, for me, speak a hundred decibels louder than anyone’s superficial advice. I’m grateful!
That’s it. Thanks for reading!
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Being an old, hopefully mature, INFJ, I have learned to never be hasty about taking on any project without being very circumspect about every angle and possibility of accomplishing it. Why? because if it turns out to be too hard or totally consuming, you will miss out on the more important things in your life, like family, friends, and the all important, for us, alone time. Sometimes we are so impelled to finish a project we do loose sight of the important things, which are usually the simple things that bring us peace.