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INFP Hobbies
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INFP Hobbies: 20 Activities to Stimulate Your Mind and Soul

On the hunt for a new hobby? If you’re an INFP, you know that it can be tricky to find activities that stimulate both your mind and soul. Although we’re passionate about making a difference in the world, our unrelenting expansion of ideas makes us easily bored with the status quo.

But as creative and gentle people, INFPs excel in hobbies that they genuinely enjoy.

Here are 20 INFP hobbies that will get our engines going! I, my INFP friends, and other Dreamers vouch to enjoy these hobbies.

20 INFP Hobbies to Stimulate Your Mind and Soul

1. Be one with nature — go camp (or glamp)!

If you’re looking for a more active hobby, many INFPs also enjoy hiking and camping. Oh, nature — the serenity never disappoints. Disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with ourselves on a deeper level. Plus, it’s a great way to get some exercise!

But if you’re like me, who’s out of breath after merely a 1-km run, I suggest you go to a more comfortable way to be with nature. Go glamping!

Glamping, short for glamorous camping, allows you to experience creature comforts like a cozy bed, a kitchen, and a bathroom, all in the middle of woods, a riverside, or under the stars.

We plan to glamp next summer to enjoy the woods, ATV rides, and nearby waterfalls! Will update you once we get there.

Free Woman Reading a Book in a White Tent Stock Photo
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2. Foster or play with your pets; they’re empathetic souls, too.

INFPs also love animals. Volunteering at a local animal shelter or fostering cats and dogs is a great way to give back and connect with some furry (or non-furry) friends. 

If you cannot commit to regularly volunteering, even taking your dog for a walk or playing with your cat can help satisfy that need to nurture.

3. Do journalling.

Journalling is an excellent outlet for INFPs. It’s a way to express our thoughts and feelings without worrying about being judged. We can explore different parts of our personality that we might not feel comfortable telling in real life.

Additionally, journalling or creative writing can help us make sense of our complicated emotions and figure out what we think and feel.

Wanna write memories? Check out this vintage leather journal notebook.

4. Join art challenges.

INFPs are known for their creativity and self-expression.

Whether you enjoy painting, sculpting, or any other physical craft, it is a great way to tap into your INFP side.

Along with your creativity, join art challenges like “Fairy-ary,” where you draw mythical creatures in February, or “Dog-gust,” where dogs take over your sketches for the whole month of August.

Here’s a nice thick sketch pad to kickstart a weekly or even daily drawing challenge!

5. Update life on a scrapbook.

INFPs are often nostalgic and sentimental. Scrapbooking indeed preserves memories and keeps mementos from special occasions. It’s also a creative outlet that can help INFPs express their unique vision of the world.

Although living in a digitized world, INFPs will always look back to sentimental projects like a completed scrapbook.

Try this aesthetic scrapbook kit as a starter.

6. Take up photography

Like scrapbooking, INFPs often strongly appreciate memories and the past. Photography captures special moments and preserves them for years to come. 

It’s self-expression. As for me, I once took a photography lesson and was with a few photographer friends. Beautiful and genuine photos never fail to amaze me.

Real life is incredible, but capturing the detail into amazing photos is breathtaking.

7. Solve puzzles.

Solving puzzles is excellent as a mental exercise. If not, it’s also addicting! I’ve been obsessed with solving Rubik’s cubes, sudoku, and Einstein’s riddles.

Also, here’s a simple brain teaser that Gab, my INFP boyfriend, has been playing recently: Padike IQ Toys!

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Gab and his Padike Metal Puzzles

8. Join volunteer programs.

INFPs are often drawn to causes that are close to their hearts. Volunteering can make a difference in the world while also meeting like-minded people. INFPs who volunteer can use their time and energy to help make the world better.

You can volunteer for youth support, animal welfare, or conservation.

Here’s a list of volunteer programs you can work on.

9. Take up an outdoor hobby.

Try to go out of the stereotyped INFP hobbies. Taking up a new hobby — skateboarding, ice skating, or rollerskating are good hobbies that can stimulate your soul, too!

Sometimes, it takes courage to get out of our comfort zone and try new outdoor activities. But seeing the world and connecting with others indeed is a different experience.

I’m not an athletic INFP, but I adopted badminton as my hobby right after my friend invited me to play. Now, I’m the one pestering people to play with me. Hah!

10. Gardening and growing food!

No surprise, INFPs carry an earthy and simplistic characteristic that attracts them to nature and greeneries. Gardening is definitely one of the popular INFP hobbies — no questions asked.

I’m all up for making yards a fruit and veggie-bearing garden instead of mowing them. 

11. Join a book club.

INFPs who love to read will enjoy joining a book club. What’s better than finding people who share the book genre as you? The club will keep you posted with book launches or even become a power community if you’re planning to author a book.

 12. Play music.

Learn one song at a time. One instrument at a time. Music plays a significant role in every INFP’s life. I could bet that INFPs have used music to paint parts of their lives — for inspiration, embracing emotions, or simply creating a whole new daydream out of lyricism.

 13. Join acting workshops.

I’m not intending to boast, but I love acting! I’ve always starred in our little plays back in the day.

And I tell you, acting workshops are never dull. Even before I play the role, my mind’s reeling about how I’d like to express myself in a new character.

It’s filled with brainstorming, and you would always feel a sense of purpose and goal in your act.

You’d cry, laugh, and build strong connections with your peers. If you’re into acting, I definitely suggest you try acting workshops.

14. Start a blog.

I’ve always blogged my self-reflections and thoughts all on the internet. My first few blogs were cringey and probably reached no one, but there are also ones I love re-reading and touched people.

Starting a blog helps you connect with others who share similar interests. You can use these platforms to discuss the issues that personally matter to you.

The best platforms I kept my blogs on are here, on my own blog, and Medium, a writing platform with a great community.

 15. Going on walks.

Walking is a great way to clear your mind and get fresh air. Put your plugs in, exercise, and keep the solitude. 

 16. Mineral collecting and Rock tumbling

Do you enjoy crystal and mineral collecting? I love them, too. INFPs have a solid connection to the earth and they’re grounding people.

I’m not gonna lie. When mining and rock tumbling videos come to my feed, I spend hours watching them.

Want to go mining and collect minerals? Here are crackable geodes to satisfy such a hobby!

But my favorite’s probably from Declan’s Mining Corp. I don’t partner with them, but I just love their rocks and crystals packaged in a bucket.

Check their Instagram:



 17. Digital Drawing

Digital drawing is a whole another art form. Very recently, I’m trying to learn digital drawing from scratch. 

Thankfully, with a phone, a drawing app, and a stylus, the sky is the limit with digital drawings.

I’m a newbie, literally. Here’s the first digital drawing I ever made since Paint. 


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Digital drawing on my phone’s Note


And yup, that’s on my phone’s Note app. We gotta start somewhere, don’t we? Start with what we have.

 18. Toy Photography/ Stop Motion

Do you have a toy collection?

With INFP’s creativity, we always create something fun out of still objects. More so if it’s your collection!

If you have a collection, then dive into toy photography, learn stop motion animation, or design a diorama for your action figures!

Check out @n.saiyan_collector‘s collection. He’s also an INFP.

Any Naruto fans out there?


19. Crocheting

It started with my younger sister unpacking a parcel of fluff yarns. By the way, she’s also an INFP.

I asked her, “why did you buy so many yarns?” She told me she always wanted to crochet. Now that she knows how to shop online, no one’s gonna stop her.

So far, she’s made unique patterns and working on a crocheted bag. I laughed when she told me her hands became so stiff from crocheting too much. But at least she’s happy!

Spending time on crochet is satisfying, hooking (literally), and fulfilling once the project is done.

Want to start this hobby? Try this crochet kit for beginners!

20. Cosplaying

What do INFPs want to do but seem impossible? Cosplay.

From imagining yourself as a character to finding the suitable fabrics for your costume, sewing them, and dealing with your make-up– cosplaying is truly both art and passion for many INFPs.

The thing after finding a costume is, of course, anime conventions. If you haven’t been to one, you definitely must try going soon. It’s an oasis for people geeking out on their favorite character. Feed the childlike INFP inside of you.

Also, we’ll definitely wear a cosplay costume soon!


No matter what hobby you choose, make sure it is something that brings you joy. To cultivate passion and happiness, we need hobbies for INFP that reflect that! We hope this list has given you some ideas to get started. 

INFPs are unique individuals with many special gifts to offer the world. We hope you enjoy exploring your interests and using your talents to make a difference!

Thanks for reading!



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